Everyone knows that the most classic GOYARD is the Saint-Louis tote classic shopping bag. The originator of shopping bags.
Derived from the Saint-Louis tote classic shopping bag, Artois has the same fashion style as Saint-Louis tote. Big, light and casual as always. The use of double-layered thickened fabric makes this Artois stiffer and sturdier than the classic model. The extended double handles are more suitable for shoulder carry. The leather decoration on the corners has better wear resistance and can be completely closed. The closed zipper effectively improves safety, which seems to cater to the Chinese consumer psychology more than the classic model.
Of course, all-round upgrades, buying genuine products and then dismantling and comparing them to make them exactly the same are our consistent operating modes. So no matter whether you have quality or other demands, you don’t have to worry. This series of products has been well-known in our family.
Size: (bag bottom length) 36/(bag mouth length) 48 x height 29 x thickness 16cm